A few days ago I shared a blog post with my favourite images from Nicola and Bond’s photoshoot. We thought it would be interesting for you to see Nicola’s favourite images from the shoot, we share a few favourites and there’s a few new images too. So the lovely Nicola has written this blog post about her photoshoot experience and shares her top tips for your equine photoshoot. I hope you all enjoy.
“Until I had a photoshoot with Jessie, I was convinced that Bond was not very photogenic when static and he had to be moving to really capture him. How wrong I was. From the minute Jessie started clicking her camera he was memorized by her and I could not quite believe what I was seeing, evenmore so when I opened my gallery.
The main worry I had before I booked my shoot was how on earth were we going to ensure that Bond had his ears forward, didn’t have his tongue out (his favourite selfie pose), that we both had our eyes open and that I was smiling. I messaged Jessie with this and she said don’t worry, I’m a professional! (Actually she didn’t say that, she was really nice and said everyone worries about that but I have tricks for all of it!)

Other things I was unsure about was how to choose my clothes and also whether there was anywhere on or around the yard that would prove nice spots for photos (I was convinced there were non!) The other biggie was the weather, just what would be the ‘right’ day for photos!
In the end I took five outfits to the yard and Jess helped me to pick three out to use which were a dress, a casual outfit and a favourite jacket outfit. It all depends what you like and are comfortable with. At this stage I had decided that I would not be getting on him which made the choices a bit easier.

It was only when showing Jess around the yard on the morning of the shoot that I realized just how many perfect spots around the yard there are! Some very old beautiful buildings and special doors that I had not even noticed before that day. We also discussed the weather, I actually didn’t know that bright sunshine was actually quite tricky to take photos in and the slightly dull but bright day we woke up to was actually perfect!

As I chatted with Jessie it was apparent that she was going to make me feel very comfortable having the photos taken and that I would have fun. The next couple of hours flew by as we moved our way around the yard and I changed into my different outfits in between. Do not underestimate how tired you will be at the end of all this (especially after you have put all your gear away!) I was absolutely shattered!

After a couple of weeks an email dropped to say my Gallery was ready for viewing, I was ridiculously excited to see them and was blown away by what Jessie had created for me.
The photos with my dress on are so natural and the ones near the buildings just could have been taken in any era, especially in the black and white versions. Yes there is a also a funny one here of Bond dragging me to the grass, he absolutely knew that I had high heels on and zero control!
My Narnia coat went down very well with Bond and I absolutely love the shot of us stood by the wall (which also created some very funny outakes as he played with my hair). Some very lovely memories for me to keep forever.

One of the photo styles I wanted creating was the black background shots, these are interesting as they kind of need to be taken inside but out! It was hard to imagine what they would look liked but as you can see, the results are very striking.

My Top Tips for your Equine Photoshoot
- Smile at all times, this makes your face ache but makes sure the photographer can capture that at the same time as your horse actually has their ears forward
- Wear at least one absolute favourite item of clothing during your shoot
- If you are getting changed in your stable, make sure you take a large towel to stand on and a small mirror to check your hair (especially if it does its own thing like mine!)
- Let the other people on the yard know what you are doing in advance, (it means they are more patient if they are trying to get to the yard and you are teetering down the drive in front of them in heels!)
- If there is a particular shot or shots you want, then let your photographer know in advance so they can plan this into the time.
- And lastly, enjoy every minute, this is your time to shine.

If you want to check out Nicola’s instagram head to the link below:
Interested in your own photoshoot with your horses, dogs and family? Fill the form in below and I will be in touch.
Jessie x